I just downloaded a bunch of HPP mp3 files, some old ones and some new ones. I just listened to the resiliency on mp3 and the listening quality is even better.

I have set up a special room with a Symmetron vibroacoustic motion bed chair with a receiver and iPod (google dan staso symmetron). The chair naturally drops brain activity into alpha/theta, so it potentiates hypnosis. The one person so far who listened to resilience #1 swore the 30 minutes was only 5 minutes long. I think I need to become an affiliate so clients can easily purchase the files for daily home use.

I wanted to personally thank you for the work you have done in promoting Ericksonian hypnosis. I have found your work immensely valuable for my clients. After buying and using many hypnosis tapes for over 20 years, I have yet to find anything superior to the HPP series. They quickly and reliably put people into a trance without them ever knowing it. I have seen profound changes in clients who follow the recommended protocol.

Dan Staso, PhD, Licensed Psychologist PSY 7309
Board Certified in Neurofeedback (BCIA)
Member, Association for Applied
Psychophysiology and Biofeedback

Greetings Dr. Glauberman,

I just got off the phone with you after ordering 10 CDs for my business.

I began using the Money, Wealth & Prosperity HPP CD set about 3 months ago. Within one month my business doubled and in the second month it tripled. I used the CDs when I was settled in bed and programmed my portable CD player to play one track at a time. With the headphones on I would drift off within minutes and most often would fall asleep. I would wake up at the end of the track and take off the headphones and fall back to sleep.

I wake up with enthusiasm for what I need to do to succeed at my business and naturally do the highest priority things on my list without effort or resistance. Three new ideas to make money occurred to me and I was able to immediately implement them. I seem more charismatic and also more magnetic to clients and customers and get more return business.

Thank you, Dr. Glauberman!
Camille Gilbert
Santa Barbara Quantum Health

Often, personal development programs require tremendous effort on your part. It’s rare to come across one that works with such little effort like the HPP programs do. After 15 years of in depth research into the human body and mind, I have to say the Dr. Lloyd Glauberman’s program is one of the best I’ve come across. Anyone using these audios can expect to experience improvements in all areas of their life with no extra effort on their part. I highly recommend using these programs to accelerate your success in every area of your life.

Christopher Guerriero
Founder & CEO
National Metabolic & Longevity Research Center

My First experience with Dr. Glauberman was with his HPP self-improvement programs. The products were so incredible that I had gained benefits financially, emotionally and in physical skills. The results were so amazing to me that I looked up his address and began personal coaching sessions with him. The results have outperformed my expectations as I broke through many mental barriers and attained many goals I was unable to attain for years. Thanks to Dr. Glauberman I live a much more fulfilled and happy life.

Ivan Pellei
Kickboxing and Beyond

If you are looking for a personal development audio series that will help you to make effortless changes in your life, then the HPP programs are for you. These programs are both delightful to listen to and very effective. What more can you ask for?

Dr. Philip Brotman, Ph.D.
Biofeedback Technology Group

I consider myself able to evaluate motivational tape series with over 45 full-length 6 cassette audio programs in my library accumulated over the last 12 years. Dominated by Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn and the other top speakers, virtually all areas of self-development are covered. For the last few years, however, one speaker has dominated my listening time – Dr. Lloyd Glauberman and his hypnosis programs.

They are quite unique. Whatever the topic is that you’ve listened to, your inner voice gently encourages you to “Eat less and exercise more,” “Be financially responsible,” “Stop procrastinating,”

Have a great performance,” etc. You then take the action and congratulate yourself on being so smart and skillful in your ability to change your behavior all by yourself.

Finally, I often go to sleep while listening to HPP tapes. The slow beat orchestral music in the background is a great sleep aid.

Michael Sancho
Atlanta, GA

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